In case your post-Labor Day, “summer is over” doldrums left you with any doubts, Google and my rapidly fading tan are here to confirm: The outdoors are out, and the indoors are in!
You may recall that Google ventured into bringing its virtual reality game to the fields and forests with Trekker. The tech giant has now developed the Cartographer, a virtual mapping device for anyone to lug through the halls of any building (the imagination runs wild!) for the purpose of sharing with the public what the inside of that building looks like. I’ll wait while you contemplate the myriad wonders that this technology could reveal. For instance: What secrets does the TGI Fridays in Monroeville, Pa., hold?
Good news, also: The Cartographer looks like what a fourth grader might imagine a high-tech and very subtle spy device to look like. Because anything is cool if you can wear it as a backpack, right? Observe:

Which fascinating interiors have been mapped to date? From Tech Crunch:
These include the JW Marriott San Francisco, the San Jose Marriott, the Museum of Children’s Arts, the Deutsches Museum’s aviation section in Munich, the San Francisco Marriott Marquis and the Discovery Museum.
Huh! Apparently there’s a lot of demand for knowing what the inside of a Marriott looks like! Pro tip: If you’ve seen one, you’ve got a pretty good idea of what the other 14,394 (DISCLAIMER: rough estimate) look like.
Google: Inventing needs for us since 1998!