Effective transit is great for the environment, but it’s not always convenient. Lyft and Uber are super convenient, but not always great for congestion and emissions. Can we have the best of both worlds?
Casey Gifford | King County Metro
Chris Snyder | Via
Brian Brooke | Sound Transit
Jessica Ramirez | Puget Sound Sage
Greg Erhardt | University of Kentucky
Ben Fried & Hayley Richardson | The Transit Center
“Do TNCS decrease or increase congestion?” | Erhardt, et. al.
“The future of transit isn’t a $5 discount on Uber Trips” | The Transit Center
“Partners in Transit” | Schweiterman, et. al
Map of Uber and Lyft in Fall 2016 | SF County Transportation Authority
Further reading:
How Much Traffic Do Uber and Lyft Cause? | CityLab
A bus gets a lot of hate. These cities are trying to change that | Vox
How a Canadian town “Uberized” its public transportation | Marketplace
Finally, we really wanted to dig into the labor piece of transit vs. ride-hailing, but the scope of the video didn’t allow for it – there’s a lot of really fascinating pieces that we hope to dig into in the future (e.g. salary + benefits of transit employees vs. contract work of Lyft and Uber drivers). But here are some interesting articles about it:
Uber and Lyft drivers demand better pay, workplace protections and driver-led unions | TechCrunch
India’s Uber drivers went on strike because they’re making $3 a day | Washington Post
Treat workers as employees? Uber, Lyft and others are scrambling for a compromise | Los Angeles Times