It’s Friday, March 15, and hundreds of thousands of students are expected to walk out of school to protest global leaders’ inaction on climate change. Young climate activists across the globe have been anticipating this day like Christmas without the consumerism. Inspired by newly minted teenage Nobel Peace Prize nominee Greta Thunberg, Gen-Zers are rallying to send adults a clear message — you need to take our future seriously.
Several Grist reporters are in the field today covering the U.S. Youth Climate Strike. We will update this post throughout the day as the strikes unfold worldwide. For more news on the student walkouts, follow @grist on Twitter.
Here’s the latest on the Youth Climate Strikes:
Some of our favorite signs yet
Sign: "So bad even the introverts are here!"
Victor, 15, St Paul, Minnesota#climatestrike #FridaysForFuture
— Eric Holthaus (@EricHolthaus) March 15, 2019
“What do we need? A #GreenNewDeal!” says the Atlanta #climatestrike contingent.
Here’s a truly excellent sign.
— Nikhil Swaminathan (@sw4mi) March 15, 2019
As Seattle strikes wrap up, kids are laser-focusing their message at politicians
“To all those politicians who can’t imagine my and many other futures in a ruined climate, imagine being out of a job in 2020, 2022, 2024, or 2026 when I personally get to vote.” — Taro Moore, 12-year-old climate striker from Kenmore Middle School
“I really can’t conceptualize an idea where people wouldn’t believe this is a real issue. The way the environment has changed over past decade, droughts from America to Africa to Australia, it’s just preposterous that some people in the Republican party are opposed to this.” — Kevin, 17-year-old climate striker from Bellevue High School
“Anybody who wants to run for president, who wants to run this country, they’ve got to pay attention.” — Athena Fain, 15-year-old organizer from Ingraham High School
Police respond in New York as protestors block roads
Per, the protests surpassed 1 million participants worldwide
According to we have already passed way over one million students on school strike today.
Over 2000 places in 125 countries on all continents.
And we have only just started! #fridaysforfuture #schoolstrike4climate
(picture from Prague, Czech Republic)— Greta Thunberg (@GretaThunberg) March 15, 2019
UPDATE: Already over ONE MILLION people went on #climatestrike worldwide.
Here's the latest #FossilFree News:
— 350 dot org (@350) March 15, 2019
Strikes get going in the Pacific North West (Grist’s backyard)
Ellie (16, left) is missing a spanish test to be here! She and Kevin (17) took a bus here from Bellevue
— eve andrews (@eefandrews) March 15, 2019
Dow Constantine, king county executive: “how is everyone? Well, I bet you’d be better without climate change.” Succinct but true
— eve andrews (@eefandrews) March 15, 2019
Max (13) and Tallulah (14) walked over 2 miles from Hosford Middle School to go to the Portland #ClimateStrike. They say their school threatened to kick kids off the track team if they participated in the strike today. (Also, someone was handing out loaves of bread.)
— zoe sayler (@zoe_sayler) March 15, 2019
California groups join in the fray
I’m at the SF #climatestrike outside @SpeakerPelosi’s office where there are now a few hundred kids protesting.
— Naveena Sadasivam (@NaveenaSivam) March 15, 2019

Spotted in San Francisco!
Strikes are about to begin along the west coast of the U.S., Canada and Mexico! Strikes in Hawaii and Alaska are a few hours away.
Angelinos! Meet in front of the L.A. Town Hall TODAY at 12 PM to #Strike4Climate
Seamus wants you there! ⬇️⬇️⬇️
— Edgar McGregor (@edgarrmcgregor) March 15, 2019
The pace picks up across the country
Crowd is growing quickly here on the steps of the Minnesota State Capitol. The chants have begun.#climatestrike
— Eric Holthaus (@EricHolthaus) March 15, 2019
I'm here reporting on the #climatestrike from the Minnesota State Capitol and I gotta say, this feels like the start of something huge. Showing up here for my kids and all future generations.
— Eric Holthaus (@EricHolthaus) March 15, 2019
Strikes get underway in other East Coast cities
— PA Youth Climate Action Team (@ycatpa) March 15, 2019
About to kick off the #ClimateStrike in DC. We are not taking no for an answer today!
💚💚💚💚#FridaysForFuture @climatestrikeUS— Havana Chapman-Edwards (@TheTinyDiplomat) March 15, 2019
#ClimateStrike gathering in Middlebury Vermont!
— Bill McKibben (@billmckibben) March 15, 2019
New York City is up and at ’em
The family that strikes together… (My mom likes to be behind the camera).
On our way to #NYC #CityHall#fridaysforfuture #climatestrike #youthstrike4climate #parentsforfuture— zayne & panda on climate strike 🌍🏴 (@zaynecowie) March 15, 2019
WEEK 14 of my @UN #ClimateStrike in NYC. Today, we demonstrated to our world leaders what will happen if they don't urgently address climate change! Look out America, #SchoolsStrike4Climate is here! @GretaThunberg
— Alexandria Villaseñor (@AlexandriaV2005) March 15, 2019
Outside NYC city hall for #YouthClimateStrike @grist
— Justine Calma (@justcalmajourno) March 15, 2019
Another strike at NY City Hall. Hundreds of students are here and many more seem to be trickling in. #ClimateStrike #FridaysForFuture #schoolstrike4climate #YouthClimateStrike
— Rachel Ramirez (@rachjuramirez) March 15, 2019
International Youth Climate Strikes kick off
Youth in Netherlands kicking off the global #climatestrike early. 1659 places in 105 countries. And counting.
The youth are rising & they want our future back. Join them! #ActOnClimate#climate #energy #klimaatstaking #klimaatmars #FridayForFutures #GreenNewDeal @GretaThunberg
— Mike Hudema (@MikeHudema) March 14, 2019
Cape Town's first official #climatestrike kicks off! @SAFCEI @Project90by2030 @FossilFreeSA #FridaysForFuture
— 350 Africa (@350Africa) March 15, 2019
Our house is on fire.🔥🌍🔥 #Brussels #ClimateStrike today is bigger than ever before, loud & colorful. 🎨👪🎵🎶☔🌈 Politicians, do you hear us at last? When will you start to listen to #science & #students & #ActOnClimate? #FridaysForFuture #SchoolsStrike4Climate @GretaThunberg
— Maria Gernert (@MariaGernert) March 15, 2019
The night before the strike, youth across the country prepare for protest
At Columbia University in New York, students worked late into the night to make signs for the protest.

Grist / Rachel Ramirez
Ahead of the strike, student leaders across the country share their motivations for participating.

Image courtesy of Shania Hurtado
As united as Friday’s protests will be in their call for meaningful climate action, the reasons young people have for participating are also grounded in their regions’ unique climate concerns.
“Hurricane Harvey devastated our city,” said Shania Hurtado, 16, who lives in Houston, Texas. “It was a time when my family and my friends were in a state of fear. It was terrible. This is truly why I’m striking. It’s why I’m organizing the strike. It’s something that affects me personally and we have the power to prevent and we should do something about it.”